A2 Media production portfolio

Monday 19 March 2012

Theo Divanis

In the early stages of writing the film script of 'Brother's Decline' I came across a fortunate opportunity to enhance my work. Because of this the starting of my filming had been able to start two weeks in advance.
Having completing the breakdown of my film script, I decided to read back through  my work to me cousin. This was to check any mistakes or additions needing to be made.  Overall we both came to a conclusion that this preliminary script sounded good to work from. 
However, after playing football on a Wednesday night with my cousins friends, my cousin mentioned that I was in the stages of creating a horror film. Then the goal keeper of the team 'Theo Divanis' was intrigued in my work and asked for me to email him my film script. Two days later I received a email from Theo with an attachment of a professional layout of my film script of 'Brother's Decline'. This was a brilliant unexpected gift and lead to me being able to film 'Brother's Decline' from following the film script. 
What Theo done was take out the little parts not needed in my horror film, show what camera angles/ media techniques to use and when, put speech in for my actors and finally standardised the script in a simple layout to follow. 
After thanking Theo I asked for a deeper insight in his fascination to my work. His reply was 'I have a degree in media studies and currently been writing a book for the last 10 years of the story of my life in a fictional format which I am hoping establish into a film'. 
Theo help was massive in the early stages of my film and this has inspired me to make my film to the highest standard of it's potential.