A2 Media production portfolio

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Inspirational Text- Horror Films Review Page

Review Page Summary
Most review pages have three columns per page, which can be increased to four. A dominant image will convey the subject of the article to outline the film genre. The image needs captions to anchor the target audiences attention. Pull quotes may be used to highlight phrases appealing to the target audience. The article title must be intriguing and have visual impact; enigma,codes,puns, shock tactics, font size, colour usage and style. A strap line under the article header might explain the teaser or add further information designed to draw the reader in. A kicker will usually be used to hook the reader in and often denote in larger or bold type face compared to other text. The introduction will be one of a limited number of possibilities. Drop caps are conventional to guide the reader to the start of the text. Look for elements given quirky angles, especially diagonals to give energy into the layout. Overall composition and narrative flow important, does the text work?, where are the readers eyes been led? Limited colour palette, be smart using colours. Primary codes of language, style and tone of text. Font choice, where do you display fonts, title and strap line important.


Antichrist review page
This review page uses a distinctive style of separating into two sections. The top half contains an eye catching image from a main part of the film, which includes the title in a large bold white font to stand out from the dimmer image as the back ground and also a drop caption on the film clip. The second section of this review page consists of 2 columns containing a write up on the film in a small black font, which is simple to follow and stands out from the white back ground. A pull quote is used under the main image to increase the target audience’s attention keeping interest towards this film, which stands out from having a different font style and having a larger text size than the main information. A kicker is used at the bottom left of the review page to hook the reader in, which is detonated in a larger text, different font colour and style type face. This film review page has two more images including the films dvd cover and a status update on the film, which also enhances interest towards looking at this page. The brightness of this page is seemed to have been brightened from a effective using on a editing programme which is a good technique to make this page stand out to the target audience louring them in.

Thirst review page
This review page contains the same layout as the review page previous. There are two sections, top half main image of a scene in the film to catch target audiences attention, which has been brightened for extra effect to make it stand out even more, image of the films dvd to make the reader want to buy this product, different font colours/ styles been used in the form of a kicker and a pull quote to add extra interest towards this film poster and finally there are two columns of a write up on the film. 
Overall from analyzing both review pages I have come to the conclusion that having a simple layout only including key images and information e.g. kickers, pull quotes, limited columns, few images including one dominant and making the review page bright to stand out to the target audience can create an effective page. 

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