A2 Media production portfolio

Tuesday 1 November 2011

A2 media coursework- Film script breakdown

Director: Matthew Stewart
Short Film 5 minutes max. - Horror Film- FIRST DRAFT!
Film title- Brothers Decline
Made up Production name- Top Cliff Productions
Actors- Aidan (older)/ Morgan brothers
Film Summary- Two brothers really close, break away Morgan leaves Aidan, Aidan kills Morgan, Morgan comes back to haunt and revenge Aidan, Bloody ending twists used on shocks.
Media techniques- high/low angles shots, pan shots, incremental zoom, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, mid shots, master shots, close ups, hand held camera, tri pod, certain music, sounds, special effects, video editing programme, props, costume, shocks, blackouts, horror effects, etc…
Locations- Local Footy Field, House, Riverbank and Cemetery.
Introduction- Animation of Production name, film title, character’s/actors names, set the scene of a horror film through music tempo, volume, lighting, fonts, design etc…  Some film time on Morgan with the costume as a dead little boy dripping of water, pale face, edited eyes etc…
Scene 1- Set the relationship between characters (no dialogue) quick cuts from Brothers playing footy, messing about on a swing, playing on the Xbox together(small amount of dialogue), pan shots, high angle shots, hand held camera, music tempo slow.
Scene 2- Dilemma- Average cuts to show Morgan moving away from Aidan, music tempo show tension, low angle shots incremental zoom to close up on Aidans facial expressions, high angle shots, mid shots and pan shots on Morgan, when he’s playing with other people. Aidan plays footy, swing and Xbox by himself not same gets angry, jealous of Morgan, Music change. Not sure on dialogue.
Scene 3- Music tempo slow close up on Morgan low angle shot(dialogue with himself) feels sorry for Aidan, looks at footy field, swing and Xbox wants to play with Aidan again, wants to be Aidans mate again doesn’t know Aidan angry with him. Aidan takes Morgan down to Riverbank lots of dialogue sound effects show tension, Aidan ends up throwing Morgan into River special affect shock audience loud scream!.
Scene 4- Lots of cuts build tension Aidan walking through Cemetery, special affects create scary atmosphere, night time, non-diegetic sound Morgan talking, Aidan scared, cuts to bushes, music slow and quiet to quick and loud, cut skip to Aidan in bath black out, blood running down mirror ‘brothers forever’, blackout again, Aidan turns round and writing gone, suddenly knocks and opens no one’s there. Cut to Aidan in bed slow music quiet, phone rings Aidan answers someone breathing, Aidan sweating, door slams shut no one there, Morgan’s dead face dripping water extreme close up, cut back to Aidan asleep, blackout Aidan dead on bed blood all over, black out again back on pan shot on Morgan appeared walking out bedroom water dripping, quick loud high tempo sound affect incremental zoom extreme close up on Morgan’s pale dead face as he turns his head.

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