A2 Media production portfolio

Sunday 27 November 2011

I have created a mood board to help enhance ideas for my coursework, which is to make a film poster, review page and a short horror film. From this mood board my knowledge has widened from the different techniques, styles, fonts, layouts, angle angles, text, special effects, images shown, which I could use when creating my film poster, review page and filming.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Todorov's theory includes four stages, which are shown above. Stage one is at the start of a film were the story plot is slowly introduced to the target audience through sound, location and characters,  this is the equilibrium balance between the film and the target audience to be steady. Stage two is the unbalance(disequilibrium) between the target audience and the film, which this is the scenes were something has happened, e.g.the dilemma. Stage three is still at this point of disequilibrium were the solution has still not occurred, this is at the second half of the film. Stage four is the finishing point of the film, this is called the new equilibrium were narrative is summed up through a happy ending, sad ending or a cliff hanger for the carry on of a film.

This theory of narrative organization has helped me through the creation of my films narrative. I have been able to shorten scenes down and concentrate on the main selling points of my movie, which is  important for a short film. The genre I have chosen for my film is horror, which fits perfect into Todorov's theory because I am going to follow each stage and give time limits for each one of the scenes to keep in my allowed time. Overall for a horror film the main selling point is mainly the dilemma, because of the target audience remembering main features, events, characters and this is why I have chosen to give majority of screen time to this stage of my film(disequilibrium). 

Wednesday 9 November 2011

British Independent Film Institutions

Most independent film institutions contain low budgets and mainly concentrate on the style of their film rather than the story. Independent films institutions are in a ninche market and not in the mainstream market. This normally indicates their films to have smaller audiences and concentrate more on the style of the film to attract audiences rather than enhancing the film narrative.  
Researching into Warp X’s background through the web I have found there specific expectations which they plan for each of their films. They aim to have exhilarating films, establish new creative talent (actors, script writers, directors, producers) and include twists and signatures in each film. Warp X are developing British cinema with their low budget movies by gaining mass audiences from contemporary British and international cinema audiences from creating eye catching irresistible stories.  This information is justified from ‘The Big Chilli Festival’, which broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the most zombies captured on camera for the film ‘I Spit on Your Rave’. Warp X, director Chris Boyle, producer, editors and the many actors for this film will be outlined from the success of this film which will improve their recognition from this low budget film.
From using the research gathered I have shown that a amateur producer can still create a well respected horror film inlcuding key elements and correct genre guidelines. This has gave me added confidence in working towards my final production of my short horror film.

Friday 4 November 2011

Ways to last the full viewing of my horror film

Horror as genre can create upsetting scenes. As a producer of a short horror film I have made simple guidelines for my target audience, to help them last the full film to admire my work.
  • Certificate 15. Best efforts to not allow younger generations of the certificate rating to view my film to stop any inconveniences. This is because of violent and disturbing scenes in my horror film. For example one character throwing the other into the river and then comes back alive to take revenge kills other character, on floor covered in fake blood.
  • People of a nervous disposition should always be accompanied by a cushion, easy access to cover face from seeing uneasy footage. For example character comes back as a evil spirit, face comes large on screen with loud sound, which gives you a shock/ scary. 
  •  Good advice would be to eat beforehand as after watching this film food will not be your main priority. For example at the end of film character lying on the floor dead in his boxer shorts covered in blood.
  • This film is not based on a true story however nightmares are always a possibility after watching my film. For example two brothers kill each other, which is not nice to watch especially with characters been of a young generation.
  • Highly advised not to watch this film on your own, company will be needed. This is to slow your heart rate down knowing someone is with you. Shocks will be shown on the second part of the film with scary scenes and uneasy music, which can be upsetting to certain individuals especially if they are on their own. 
These markers are only brief, if you have any more useful guidelines I would be thankful for you to leave a comment and I shall add them on. To allow my target audience to fully understand why I have created these markers I have added example from a direct link to my film so my audience will know what to expect when viewing.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Horror Genre

Genre refers to a primary method of film categorization, which is fundamental to communication making information more controllable. Genre includes ideological ephases and themetric preoccupations. Horror genre consistently popular since the 1930's that attracts predominantly youth audiences. Themetric preoccupations can reflect moral fears in society and reflect changes in attitude. Most horror releases occur in late October (Halloween period). Horror allows film makers to move away from the moral and ethical obligations of the normal social order into a new aesthetic space.

Horror films aim is to make there target audience feel unsettled, from using techniques such as; effectively centring on the dark side of life, the forbidden, and strange alarming events, dealing with our most primal nature and its fears, our nightmares, our vulnerability, our alienation, our revulsions, our terror of the unknown, our fear of death and dismemberment, loss of identity, or fear of sexuality. These methods are often shown in a terrifying production of mass creativity, while at the same time captivates and gains entertainment for the target audience interest through the cathartic experience. Adapting on horror as a genre whatever dark, primitive, and revolting traits that simultaneously attract and repel us are featured in there films. Horror as a genre is created from the design of attracting your attention on the basis of keeping you on the edge of your seat calculating an unusual atmosphere from fright, terror and blood.       

This film genre incorporates a number of sub-genres and repeated themes, such as slasher themes, vampire themes, serial killers, zombie themes, demonic possession, alien mind control, evil children, cannibalism, werewolves, animals attacking humans, haunted houses, Frankenstein, satanic, teen terror etc… The horror film genre is often associated with low budgets and exploitation, but major studios and recognised directors have made an interest towards this genre in present times. With this horror as a genre is on the incline with more films breaking into the mass market of film production with the success of recent films. Some horror films exhibit a substantial amount of cross-over with other genres, particularly science fiction because of the easily associated link with shock and fright. However certain stories and themes have proven popular and have inspired many sequels, remakes, and copycats e.g. Frankenstein, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, werewolves, and zombies.

Overall a horror text consistently tests the implications of the behaviour of humankind, the impact of late industrial capitalism, the effects of historical determinism and the enduring influence of the need to preserve some notion of moral order, social valve and consual justice. From this research I have expanded my knowledge on the basic guidelines to what my horror film has to contain. The elements I am going to use in my film productions are: the fear of death, nightmares, shock and fright, night time scenes, hand held camera (to make you feel the scary atmosphere) and I am using the sub-genre of evil children.

A2 media coursework- Film script

Brothers Decline
MORGAN and AIDAN, play football on the football court.
Morgan takes a few shots at Aidan who saves them.
Aidan takes a few shots at Morgan, Morgan saves a few but
Aidan scores one.
Morgan and Aidan play on the Xbox against each other.
I’ve got you this time...
Morgan puts his hand over Aidan’s eyes to distract him.
Aidan laughs as he tries to grab Morgan’s controller.
See, you have to cheat to beat
Morgan and Aidan both drink a milkshake from a large glass.
They finish drinking at the same time.
Morgan takes shots at Aidan who is in goal.
A young lad walks towards Morgan and asks him if he want to
play football with them. Morgan points at Aidan, put the lad
shakes his head and points back at Morgan.
Morgan ponders for a few seconds then walks away towards the
young lad.
Aidan gets upset as he picks up the ball and kicks it away.
Aidan swings slowly on the swing.
Aidan playing on Xbox by himself.
Aidan looking at photograph of him and Morgan. In a fit of
rage he smashes the frame.
Morgan plays on Xbox by himself. He looks behind him, then
back at the TV, clearly not enjoying himself.
Morgan plays football by himself.
Morgan slowly walks in the room as Aidan sits on the edge of
the bed, looking angry. Morgan closes the door behind him
and looks at Aidan.
Morgan and Aiden walk along the riverbank.
I’m really sorry Aidan. I won’t do
it again.
I know you wont!
Remember when you stole that
magazine and Mum found it. I took
the blame for you. And you said no
matter what, you would always be
there for me.
I will be...
No you wont...
Aidan throws Morgan in the river.
Aidan walks through the cemetery looking drained. Noises
make him on edge.
Everything around him makes him nervous.
Aidan lies in the bath. A loud bang followed by the lights
going off. Aidan panics.
When the lights come back on the words BROTHERS FOREVER
written in blood as the blood slowly drips down the mirror.
A loud bang followed by lights going out. When they come
back on the writing has gone.
Aidan’s in bed, awake. The room is filled with silence. The
phone rings as Aidan answers it.
He immediately hears heavy breathing down the phone. The
bedroom door is swung open, giving Aidan a shock.
The door then slams shut by itself. Water begins to drip on
Aidan’s head. He first feels it with his hand, then slowly
looks up.
Morgan stands over Aidan.
The door slowly opens as we see Aidan, dead on the bed
covered in blood. The door slowly closes, by itself. When it
gets half way, the door slams shut.

Film production when been created could mean an adaption to the film script of lines being removed.

A2 media coursework- Film script breakdown

Director: Matthew Stewart
Short Film 5 minutes max. - Horror Film- FIRST DRAFT!
Film title- Brothers Decline
Made up Production name- Top Cliff Productions
Actors- Aidan (older)/ Morgan brothers
Film Summary- Two brothers really close, break away Morgan leaves Aidan, Aidan kills Morgan, Morgan comes back to haunt and revenge Aidan, Bloody ending twists used on shocks.
Media techniques- high/low angles shots, pan shots, incremental zoom, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, mid shots, master shots, close ups, hand held camera, tri pod, certain music, sounds, special effects, video editing programme, props, costume, shocks, blackouts, horror effects, etc…
Locations- Local Footy Field, House, Riverbank and Cemetery.
Introduction- Animation of Production name, film title, character’s/actors names, set the scene of a horror film through music tempo, volume, lighting, fonts, design etc…  Some film time on Morgan with the costume as a dead little boy dripping of water, pale face, edited eyes etc…
Scene 1- Set the relationship between characters (no dialogue) quick cuts from Brothers playing footy, messing about on a swing, playing on the Xbox together(small amount of dialogue), pan shots, high angle shots, hand held camera, music tempo slow.
Scene 2- Dilemma- Average cuts to show Morgan moving away from Aidan, music tempo show tension, low angle shots incremental zoom to close up on Aidans facial expressions, high angle shots, mid shots and pan shots on Morgan, when he’s playing with other people. Aidan plays footy, swing and Xbox by himself not same gets angry, jealous of Morgan, Music change. Not sure on dialogue.
Scene 3- Music tempo slow close up on Morgan low angle shot(dialogue with himself) feels sorry for Aidan, looks at footy field, swing and Xbox wants to play with Aidan again, wants to be Aidans mate again doesn’t know Aidan angry with him. Aidan takes Morgan down to Riverbank lots of dialogue sound effects show tension, Aidan ends up throwing Morgan into River special affect shock audience loud scream!.
Scene 4- Lots of cuts build tension Aidan walking through Cemetery, special affects create scary atmosphere, night time, non-diegetic sound Morgan talking, Aidan scared, cuts to bushes, music slow and quiet to quick and loud, cut skip to Aidan in bath black out, blood running down mirror ‘brothers forever’, blackout again, Aidan turns round and writing gone, suddenly knocks and opens no one’s there. Cut to Aidan in bed slow music quiet, phone rings Aidan answers someone breathing, Aidan sweating, door slams shut no one there, Morgan’s dead face dripping water extreme close up, cut back to Aidan asleep, blackout Aidan dead on bed blood all over, black out again back on pan shot on Morgan appeared walking out bedroom water dripping, quick loud high tempo sound affect incremental zoom extreme close up on Morgan’s pale dead face as he turns his head.