A2 Media production portfolio

Thursday 22 December 2011

Preliminary film poster

For my preliminary film poster I chose to include only one of the main characters in my film. This was to see if this type of style was effective, when thinking of my design for my final film poster. The editing programme I used was Adobe Photoshop and this is the same programme I will be using when creating my final film poster, this is because it has all the editing tools I will need to finalise my film poster. For my preliminary film poster I did not want to spend much time on because all I was looking for was to see if certain style would look effective and to play around with the editing tools. 

Overall I think that even though I did not spend a great deal of time on this image it still has a great effect in a direct link to my film narrative. For example it shows 'Morgan' one of the characters to have this death like look and glaring eyes staring at the target audience. This effect I think is very strong to gain my target audiences attention. 

Finally the main reason for me not using this design as my film poster image is because it only shows one of my main characters. I believe my horror film poster will be ideal for both my main character to be used, showing the target audience straight away the relationships between these characters.

However despite this image originally being my preliminary film poster image, I have decided because of the quality of my design to use this in my film review page. This will be used from having this as a main image on the left hand side of the page giving a strong effect and the information on the right hand side of my review page. 

1 comment:

  1. I know you have changed your poster idea - but update this blog entry with reasons behind your choices and how you are still planning on using this now.
