A2 Media production portfolio

Thursday 22 December 2011

Horror Film Questionnaire

Click link below to see questionnaire and fill in.

Click link below to see results of questionnaire.


Overall I had 26 responses to my horror film questionnaire, however not all responses answered every question relation to why some questions have more results than others.
  • Age question shown that the majority of my target audience will be 15-17 years old, relating to why I have made my film specifically for the rating of 15+.
  • Gender question shown the majority of my target audience to be male, relating to why I have added violence to my films which girls aren't as interested in.
  • The majority of my responses show that horror is their favourite genre, which has inspired me to create my film to a high standard.
  • My data shows that the majority of people watch a horror film on a monthly basis. This has shown me that my film has to contain something special to stand out and for people to want to watch it.
  • Evil spirit from my data is shown to be the best sub genre of a horror film, which this is why I have decided to use this sub genre in my horror film.
  • The poster is shown to be the biggest influence for people to go to watch a horror film and hopefully I have created my poster to a good standard.
  • My review page will have to also be a good standard with the data showing that majority of people read film magazines, which is where my review page will be placed.
  • Film logos are shown to be an important factor to catch the target audiences attention and hopefully my logos are of a good standard in other peoples eyes.
  • The cinema is shown to be the best place to watch a horror film and this has inspired me to really excel in the creation of my film to make it cinema worthy.
  • My film title is shown to be popular which is a great positive to me as the creator.
  • Finally the actors, special effects and film narrative are shown to be the main points people expect to be significant in a horror film. This is why I have concentrated mainly on these matters while in the creation of my horror film.

Overall my questionnaire has been a success and allowed me great understanding into my target audience on the big picture of how to go about a horror film. For example I now know the things to spend more time on and things not to spend as much time on e.g. the film narrative is more important than the location of my film.


  1. Can you summarise the results of the questionnaire and then say how it has influenced your work/ creative choices
