A2 Media production portfolio

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Image ideas for film poster and review page

This image is very simple with not much work put into it. I have used Microsoft word to put this together, which is not for photo editing. However this is a basic design to work onto when producing my film review page in Adobe Photoshop. You can easily see were I have copy and paste an image into the main image and the lighting of the image is to dark.

This image has also been created in Microsoft. This design however will give me an idea to the standard I will have to work to achieve a good film poster and not a amateur one like this. You can easily see were I have copy and paste an image into the main image and the lighting of the image is to dark.

These images are preliminary ideas for my film poster and review page. From using Microsoft PowerPoint, I have pasted an additional image onto a main image, this is outlined from the small image containing a different background in a box and has a different lighting, standing out. However this is what I expected from using this programme because it is not predominantly for photo editing, when creating my main image for my film poster I will be using Adobe Photoshop. This is because this programme will off me many editing features, which will allow me to design my images they way I want to. Location has also came to my attention when taking shots from my preliminary images and also lighting/ props has also made me more aware when capturing my final images, overall widening my knowledge of taking a photo shoot.


I think this image really captured Morgan's facial expression we were trying to achieve- dead. This is also without any editing.

This image is to dark for me to edit for the design I am looking to achieve in my film poster/ review page. On the other hand the idea of Morgan standing looking dead with graves in the background shows a direct link towards a horror film. 

Once again lighting is poor and the idea is clever with Morgan (evil spirit) looking at Aidan while he's walking in the dark. 

Same again lighting poor and location clever and positioning of character. Morgan (evil spirit) standing next to a church with the view of graves and trees slightly shown looking at Aidan again with him not knowing.

Poor lighting and camera shot with faces hard to see not explaining image. Good point, location has a link to the genre of horror, dark place with trees perfect place for a horror scene. Overall this image is far too dark to use in my film poster or review page. However the idea of having Morgan watching Aidan as a evil spirit is clever.

From creating preliminary images for my film poster and review page I have widened my options, when deciding which style or images I will use. On top of this, from using Adobe Photoshop I will be able to edit my images and create a specific design, which is relevant for my film poster and review page.

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