A2 Media production portfolio

Thursday 15 December 2011

-Genre of film- Horror.
-Target audience 15(includes violence, blood and death).
-Story so far- Two brothers very close, young, always play together, 10years/ 14years, youngest moves away from close relationship, oldest lonely, takes mood out on youngest, ends up throwing him in river, death, youngest comes back as a evil spirit, haunts oldest, ends up killing him for revenge.
-Inspirational text- 'Orphans' have gave me many ideas including special effects, camera angles and a guideline to a story plot for my horror film, which is a sub-genre of a 'evil spirit'.   

Flat plan- Film poster
I believe that to sell your film to your target audience, your poster has to be of the standard of the film itself. In my poster the main attraction will be my image of my starring actor. This is to give the audience a sense of feeling to which character they are going to get a relationship with from the viewing of my film. The image will come from a main scene of the film to show the target audience what their in for and its a film not to be missed. The title of my film poster will be my film title logo to give a recognition with the logo to the audience. I will also be including additional information to the film poster such as film release date, actors names, director and captions/ sell lines. Overall I am aiming to create a horror film poster, which concentrates mainly on the image to really sell my film to the target audience. Colour schemes and designs will be created when using the editing programme 'Adobe Photoshop'. However current ideas I have are to portray my image to standout and gain my target audiences attention from a specific design. The font of my text will be a large size with contrasting colours to my image, allowing the text to be noticed and easy to read. At the end of producing my film poster it will give a good guideline to my target audience what to expect from my horror film setting high expectations hopefully.

Flat plan- Review page
In my review page I have decided to have my layout in a simple way, with my image from film clip on one side and other side two large columns broken up containing information on film, critics views, actor interviews. I will also be putting my film title/logo and a subtitle above the columns to show additional recognition for target audience to relate back to my film. Like my film poster I haven't currently decided on background design, text style/ font because I am waiting on the production of my review page to start putting ideas into practise. However current ideas consist of text to be in a bold font and have a simple colour scheme, allowing information easily to be read and standout. My film title logo will be the largest text to really sell my film and the subtitle will enhance this from also been in a large font and a different colour to film title, which will contain eye catching information. The background scheme will have a direct link to the genre of my film showcasing horror, meaning a dark colour scheme and design will be created. On top of this the image on the full page of the left hand side will purposely contrast with the right hand side page to really make the image standout to the target audience gaining their attention to read this review page. Overall my review page should showcase that the genre of this film is horror just from glimpsing and increase recognition/ audiences interest towards my film.

Film poster and review page could be chopped and changed during the process of their production.

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