A2 Media production portfolio

Thursday 22 December 2011

Preliminary film poster

For my preliminary film poster I chose to include only one of the main characters in my film. This was to see if this type of style was effective, when thinking of my design for my final film poster. The editing programme I used was Adobe Photoshop and this is the same programme I will be using when creating my final film poster, this is because it has all the editing tools I will need to finalise my film poster. For my preliminary film poster I did not want to spend much time on because all I was looking for was to see if certain style would look effective and to play around with the editing tools. 

Overall I think that even though I did not spend a great deal of time on this image it still has a great effect in a direct link to my film narrative. For example it shows 'Morgan' one of the characters to have this death like look and glaring eyes staring at the target audience. This effect I think is very strong to gain my target audiences attention. 

Finally the main reason for me not using this design as my film poster image is because it only shows one of my main characters. I believe my horror film poster will be ideal for both my main character to be used, showing the target audience straight away the relationships between these characters.

However despite this image originally being my preliminary film poster image, I have decided because of the quality of my design to use this in my film review page. This will be used from having this as a main image on the left hand side of the page giving a strong effect and the information on the right hand side of my review page. 

Horror Film Questionnaire

Click link below to see questionnaire and fill in.

Click link below to see results of questionnaire.


Overall I had 26 responses to my horror film questionnaire, however not all responses answered every question relation to why some questions have more results than others.
  • Age question shown that the majority of my target audience will be 15-17 years old, relating to why I have made my film specifically for the rating of 15+.
  • Gender question shown the majority of my target audience to be male, relating to why I have added violence to my films which girls aren't as interested in.
  • The majority of my responses show that horror is their favourite genre, which has inspired me to create my film to a high standard.
  • My data shows that the majority of people watch a horror film on a monthly basis. This has shown me that my film has to contain something special to stand out and for people to want to watch it.
  • Evil spirit from my data is shown to be the best sub genre of a horror film, which this is why I have decided to use this sub genre in my horror film.
  • The poster is shown to be the biggest influence for people to go to watch a horror film and hopefully I have created my poster to a good standard.
  • My review page will have to also be a good standard with the data showing that majority of people read film magazines, which is where my review page will be placed.
  • Film logos are shown to be an important factor to catch the target audiences attention and hopefully my logos are of a good standard in other peoples eyes.
  • The cinema is shown to be the best place to watch a horror film and this has inspired me to really excel in the creation of my film to make it cinema worthy.
  • My film title is shown to be popular which is a great positive to me as the creator.
  • Finally the actors, special effects and film narrative are shown to be the main points people expect to be significant in a horror film. This is why I have concentrated mainly on these matters while in the creation of my horror film.

Overall my questionnaire has been a success and allowed me great understanding into my target audience on the big picture of how to go about a horror film. For example I now know the things to spend more time on and things not to spend as much time on e.g. the film narrative is more important than the location of my film.

Thursday 15 December 2011

-Genre of film- Horror.
-Target audience 15(includes violence, blood and death).
-Story so far- Two brothers very close, young, always play together, 10years/ 14years, youngest moves away from close relationship, oldest lonely, takes mood out on youngest, ends up throwing him in river, death, youngest comes back as a evil spirit, haunts oldest, ends up killing him for revenge.
-Inspirational text- 'Orphans' have gave me many ideas including special effects, camera angles and a guideline to a story plot for my horror film, which is a sub-genre of a 'evil spirit'.   

Flat plan- Film poster
I believe that to sell your film to your target audience, your poster has to be of the standard of the film itself. In my poster the main attraction will be my image of my starring actor. This is to give the audience a sense of feeling to which character they are going to get a relationship with from the viewing of my film. The image will come from a main scene of the film to show the target audience what their in for and its a film not to be missed. The title of my film poster will be my film title logo to give a recognition with the logo to the audience. I will also be including additional information to the film poster such as film release date, actors names, director and captions/ sell lines. Overall I am aiming to create a horror film poster, which concentrates mainly on the image to really sell my film to the target audience. Colour schemes and designs will be created when using the editing programme 'Adobe Photoshop'. However current ideas I have are to portray my image to standout and gain my target audiences attention from a specific design. The font of my text will be a large size with contrasting colours to my image, allowing the text to be noticed and easy to read. At the end of producing my film poster it will give a good guideline to my target audience what to expect from my horror film setting high expectations hopefully.

Flat plan- Review page
In my review page I have decided to have my layout in a simple way, with my image from film clip on one side and other side two large columns broken up containing information on film, critics views, actor interviews. I will also be putting my film title/logo and a subtitle above the columns to show additional recognition for target audience to relate back to my film. Like my film poster I haven't currently decided on background design, text style/ font because I am waiting on the production of my review page to start putting ideas into practise. However current ideas consist of text to be in a bold font and have a simple colour scheme, allowing information easily to be read and standout. My film title logo will be the largest text to really sell my film and the subtitle will enhance this from also been in a large font and a different colour to film title, which will contain eye catching information. The background scheme will have a direct link to the genre of my film showcasing horror, meaning a dark colour scheme and design will be created. On top of this the image on the full page of the left hand side will purposely contrast with the right hand side page to really make the image standout to the target audience gaining their attention to read this review page. Overall my review page should showcase that the genre of this film is horror just from glimpsing and increase recognition/ audiences interest towards my film.

Film poster and review page could be chopped and changed during the process of their production.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Unsuccessful Images

This image was unsuccessful because of a light source shining on the camera, causing the shot to contain a white blur on the right side of the image. Making me unable to use this image in my film poster or review page.

This image was unsuccessful from one of the actors running through the other actors camera shot causing this image to be unsuccessful. From this image containing a object which is not sufficient I will not be using this in my film poster or review page.

This image was unsuccessful because of the camera shot only capturing half of the intended shot of the full actor. Because of not containing the full image of this character in my camera shot I will not be using this image in my film poster or review page.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Image ideas for film poster and review page

This image is very simple with not much work put into it. I have used Microsoft word to put this together, which is not for photo editing. However this is a basic design to work onto when producing my film review page in Adobe Photoshop. You can easily see were I have copy and paste an image into the main image and the lighting of the image is to dark.

This image has also been created in Microsoft. This design however will give me an idea to the standard I will have to work to achieve a good film poster and not a amateur one like this. You can easily see were I have copy and paste an image into the main image and the lighting of the image is to dark.

These images are preliminary ideas for my film poster and review page. From using Microsoft PowerPoint, I have pasted an additional image onto a main image, this is outlined from the small image containing a different background in a box and has a different lighting, standing out. However this is what I expected from using this programme because it is not predominantly for photo editing, when creating my main image for my film poster I will be using Adobe Photoshop. This is because this programme will off me many editing features, which will allow me to design my images they way I want to. Location has also came to my attention when taking shots from my preliminary images and also lighting/ props has also made me more aware when capturing my final images, overall widening my knowledge of taking a photo shoot.


I think this image really captured Morgan's facial expression we were trying to achieve- dead. This is also without any editing.

This image is to dark for me to edit for the design I am looking to achieve in my film poster/ review page. On the other hand the idea of Morgan standing looking dead with graves in the background shows a direct link towards a horror film. 

Once again lighting is poor and the idea is clever with Morgan (evil spirit) looking at Aidan while he's walking in the dark. 

Same again lighting poor and location clever and positioning of character. Morgan (evil spirit) standing next to a church with the view of graves and trees slightly shown looking at Aidan again with him not knowing.

Poor lighting and camera shot with faces hard to see not explaining image. Good point, location has a link to the genre of horror, dark place with trees perfect place for a horror scene. Overall this image is far too dark to use in my film poster or review page. However the idea of having Morgan watching Aidan as a evil spirit is clever.

From creating preliminary images for my film poster and review page I have widened my options, when deciding which style or images I will use. On top of this, from using Adobe Photoshop I will be able to edit my images and create a specific design, which is relevant for my film poster and review page.